Service Status:OFFLINE
Generate Ardupilot mission files and auxiliary files (Stats file and export files). The output mission file contains WP's set to 'ABSOLUTE' heights for better mission previsibility and can be imported directly in Mission Planner.
you can change parameters and hit 'process' again (and again) after first interaction. Script will use a buffered version of necessary DEM until you upload a new file or hit browser refresh.
<flight ALT>
=> Flight altitude above ground. This will be the minimal altitude to be respected along all path<Tolerance>
=> Flight altitude tolerance (in %). Means Minimal altitude along path can reach <flightAlt>
minus tolerance<Max Distance Between WPs>
=> Divide your original WP's into sections (creating another WP's), respecting this max distance between WP's. The lower this parameter the more a 'terrain following' effect. Set this to zero to not create any aditional WP's.Takeoff
=> Optional. Converts the first WP's from your file into Takeoff commandLand
=> Optional. Converts the last WP from your file into Land command.